If you are being approached by someone you don't feel like talking to or you are just not in the mood to talk, then be friendly and tell that person it was nice to be approached by him or her but you are really not in the mood and you wish that person a nice evening, don't make any strange look or anything. By doing so you leave a positive image of yourself back, and the person will feel respected. You don't know who that person is or what friends he or she got that you might like in future, and you don't want to mess that one up because you have been arrogant. In effect, if you see that person again with someone more like your choice, then you could jump in and say : Hi, I am not sure if you remember me, but you kinda got me on a bad day and I wanted to say sry, what was your name again? Then you could drop in something like : I had a really hard day and wasn't in the mood for anything and I felt so tired etc. push it out on something else not that person, so you could slightly get into a conversation with the two of them and then also get introduced to both. From there on you got what you wanted. There is one major thing to remember, there are no rules, be free and natural not pushy but open mined friendly and fun to be arround not stiff. Rules are there to be broken not to kept tight on and then get confused by or end up being not flexible.

If being approached by someone you like or feel for, then act natural. Even if you feel horny, don't end up being an easy catch. Take your time, be open, laugh and smile, not too inquisitive or arrogant. Don't follow rules, that will get you confused and make things go the wrong way. Keep eye contact while talking or listening. If he or she isn't your choice or more like an uncomfortable person to you, then be open and say you think it is time for you to leave. If it was really an awful thing, that the person just said, don't be rude just say your mind with a helpful thought: I think that wasn't nice because of this and that... done. Everyone will think about it if you say it with a calm voice and helpful manner. Everyone can change and might look into it and say: well, that was stupid what I just said... So you can be a help to others and be respected and looked up to. People will admire you for that. At last be availabe, don't rush off too quick if you really enjoyed the chat. Take your time so he can smoothly ask you out and you can continue.